03 August 2017

RPGaDAY 2017: Day 03

3. How do you find out about new RPGs?

Pre-Internet Era (P.I.E.)

In the first ten years of my involvement with role-playing games, I learned about new RPGs from three sources:

1. The shelves of my favorite local game shop
2. DRAGON Magazine
3. White Dwarf

Early Internet Era (E.I.E.)

I didn't have Internet access until 1999, but once I did, it became my primary news source for RPGs. I routinely visited free RPG sites and An Encyclopedia of Role-Playing Games. I subscribed to Pyramid before Steve Jackson Games converted it into a less frequent PDF. I avidly read Places to Go, People to Be; Imazine; and Critical Miss: The Magazine for Dysfunctional Roleplayers. And I read lots and lots of gaming Web logs.

Internet Onwards (I.O.)

The three game shops I relied upon for most of my RPG purchases are long gone. There are four or five game shops in my area, but only one stocks RPGs, and none that interest me. Nowadays, I gain most of my knowledge about new RPGs from these sources:

1. Google+
2. Web logs
3. podcasts

I'd add Kickstarter, but I usually hear about RPG Kickstarter projects from Google+, Web logs, or podcasts first.

If I am any indication of a trend, then I think it behooves all of us who love the hobby to share our discoveries on our Web logs, podcasts, and Google+ posts (and any other word-of-mouth methods we can think of, such as, say, word of mouth).

[For more information on #RPGaDAY (or #RPGaDAY2017 specifically), read this.]

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